Auto dealerships are unique among retail businesses, and their owners operate several different types of businesses under the same roof. Dealerships sell new and used vehicles, parts, auto body services, and finance and insurance, and this can become a complex challenge for their owners. The auto industry itself is also complex and ever-changing. At Catanese Group, we provide comprehensive accounting, tax, and consulting services to help auto dealership owners and managers navigate the often overwhelming regulations and proper practices required for each aspect of their business. We will serve as your trusted business advisors to help your business thrive in any economic climate.Our automobile dealership and retail experts have decades of experience working with businesses just like yours, whether you have a large dealership or a small, family-owned business.
Specialized services include:
- Audited financial statements
- Tax planning and compliance (including multi-state)
- Pro forma financial statement and projections for new auto franchises
- Estate and succession planning
- Business valuations
- Internal controls
- Working capital maintenance
- Litigation support and fraud prevention and detection
- Individual financial and retirement planning
- LIFO calculations
- Employee benefit plan audits
- Cost segregation